Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Frobisher Bay - Training Expedition Diary

Frobisher Bay - Training Expedition Diary
15th March 2010 – Day 5 – Diary entry from Simon Lewis

Last night brought the predicted wind and snow, so as a result we awoke to a rather hostile sounding environment. After a swift recce by Jim we decided to have a lie-in to see if the wind would abate. It did during the course of the morning and with Jim cheating by ringing for a forecast, we discovered stronger winds were predicted, gusting to 60 kilometres per hour so with a majority vote we elected to stay put, but with the requirement to realign the tents for a change in wind direction. Lee and Dom moved our tent whilst Ian, Mini, Ali and me gassed for a few hours. No wind arrived but Jim made the call again only to discover the wind was due later. After a quick confab we decided to move the camp to an alternative bay and at 2pm we left on a swift several kilometre ski led skilfully by Ian. Having now put the tent up for the second time today we were treated to Ali having a semi naked snow bath as a late afternoon entertainment. Spirits in the camp are excellent, we have all benefited greatly from the additional skills Jim has imparted on us over the last few days. With the temperature hovering around a balmy -13C and a rather bland sounding chicken and rice dinner to finish off a stop/start kind of day, I sign off in advance of another potentially windy night.

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